H20 Wooden Beam

H20 Wooden Beam

H20 Lightweight, durable, economic and carrying capacity
It is a material with a high degree of strength due to its cross section.
It can be used in concrete slabs, concrete walls and concrete columns.

H20 Wooden Beam

Wooden formwork beam is much more durable and long lasting than traditional wooden formwork. Its use provides a high degree of saving in formwork costs. H20 wooden beams are the material with a high degree of strength due to their cross section. It consists of laminating and joining of trees which are cleaned from its defects by its structure and manufacturing techniques.

It is durable economical and high carrying capacity building material wherever wood timber is used as a carrier as well as an ideal carrier for wall, column and slab formworks. Besides 20 cm width and 145, 180, 215, 245, 265, 290, 330, 360, 390, 420, 450, 490, 590 cm standard lengths, lengthier beams can be obtained by special adding elements.

turkak, fqc, bqs, ce, kayseri industry chamber, the ministry of industry and commerce, turkish patent